Langsam, ganz laaaaaaaaaangsam bewegt sich Dell in Richtung Kundenkommunikation.
Auch Finanso schreibt es schon: Dell ändert seine Politik in Sachen "Kommunikation mit Weblogs". Nachdem Buzzmachine, das Weblog von "Entertainment Weekly"-Gründer Jeff Jarvis seit Wochen in den schönsten Worten seine Probleme mit Dell-Rechnern beschreibt, und dies dank Verlinkungen um die ganze Welt geht, scheint man nun in der Kommunikationsabteilung des Konzerns ins Grübeln gekommen zu sein.
Buzzmachine schreibt nun über die Recherche von Online Media Daily:
"The company?s public relations department monitors blogs, looking for commentaries and complaints?and, starting about a month ago, began forwarding complaints with personally identifiable information to the customer service department so that representatives can contact dissatisfied consumers directly, said Dell spokeswoman Jennifer Davis. The move appears to have been triggered by a series of ?Dell Hell? posts penned by Jarvis about his problems with a Dell computer."
Immerhin: ein Fortschritt. Doch die Geschwindigkeit ist immer noch atemberaubend langsam:
"Davis also said that Dell is ?looking at the best way to respond? to Jarvis? last complaint, the ?open letter? of Aug. 17. ?What we want to do first and foremost is to make sure we?re addressing his specific issue, and making sure that the system is working to his satisfaction,? Davis said. ?We?ll also be glad to talk with him about the broader issues?we have not outreached as of yet, but we?re looking at the best way to do so.?
Wer eine Woche, nachdem die Sache hochkochte noch immer nicht weiß, wie er reagieren soll hat in Sachen Krisenmanagement versagt.
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